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Los Angeles, California, United States

sábado, 28 de enero de 2012


 And everything I give u is my word. This is my word.


Cambodian Vision in Development (CVD) is a non-political, humanitarian local non-governmental organization, legally registered with the Ministry of Interior of the Royal Cambodian Government charity Nº. 887. The organization was founded by Mounh Sarath on 1st September 2000.
CVD is fully administered and staffed by Cambodian personnel who gained great length of experience in integrated rural development work, especially amongst vulnerable and underprivileged rural society.
CVD works alongside the disadvantaged communities to improve their living standards and to restore confidence, traditional family structures, economic stability and independence.
Samlaut District of Battambang Province is the most war-torn area of Cambodia. Its population consists entirely of  returnees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), who lived under the rule of the Khmer Rouge for nearly 30 years, only to be driven from their homes by fighting after the coup d’etat of 1997, and their children. Samlaut has the highest percentage of landmine victims and other destitute families in Cambodia. These vulnerable families, many of them in desperate need of support, are the focus of CVD’s work.
At the moment CVD has 6 projects:
  1. Anti-Child Trafficking
    ( funded by Terre des Hommes – Netherlands)
  2. Maddox Jolie Project
    (funded by me)
  3. Promoting Civil Society Transformation at Village Level
    (funded by Terre des Hommes – Netherlands)
  4. Skills Training Center for Disabled Children
    (funded by Terre des Hommes – Netherlands)
  5. Focused HIV/AIDS Prevention & Support
    (funded by Khmer HIV/AIDS Alliance (Khana) – USAID)
  6. Focused HIV/AIDS Prevention on Indirect Sex Worker
    (funded by Khmer HIV/AIDS Alliance (Khana) – FPP)
More info about Maddox Jolie Project:
Maddox Jolie Project (MJP) with my initiative, was established to protect and enhance the wildlife, eco-system and watershed conservation values of the Samlaut Multiple Use Area.
The area covers 60,000 hectares and protects the remaining stock of elephants, tigers, leopards, deer, bears and many smaller animals.
MJP Project staff holds training sessions to raise environmental awareness and increase knowledge amongst the villagers and children, who are living near the outskirts of the protected area.
MJP also contributes to the improvement of the living standards of these people.
For more information please visit this website:


The basics
In 1950, the U.N General Assembly established the UNHCR or otherwise known as United Nations High Comissioner for Refugees. The organisation then had just 3 years to resettle a staggering 1.2 million refugees in Europe who had unfortunately been left homeless by global rivalry.
The situation got worse over the years. There was a large increase in the number of refugees and so the order was extended to 5 years and eventually the General Assembly removed the mandate and left the UNHCR time until refugee situations were resolved.
Now, there are more than 6000 workers helping 17.1 million people in over 100 countries all over the world. The UNHCR has won two Nobel Prize awards in the last 50 years for their constant effort to help refugees and for providing aid to more than 50 million people.
UNHCR at work
Refugees are people who have been made to flee their home countries because of situations involving conflict over race, religion or nationality and who do not wish to retire home. UNHCR has the job of protecting these people and attempt to help them begin their lives over in a much better surrounding.
The agency must respect every refugees human rights and guarantee that no person shall be returned to a country where they are in fear of persecution.
The UNHCR staff including field workers and goodwill ambassadors work in many different countries all over the world from capital cities to isolated camps on country borders. Refugees face many fears of violence and sexual assault and workers must ensure that these persons do not feel under any threat from this nature of violence and they feel secure in their environments.
The agency must find appropriate solutions to get people back to their homes in safety and endeavor to make sure they come to no harm.
UNHCR Changes
When UNHCR was first founded it was a somewhat small agency as refugee numbers and situations were a lot less then but it has greatly increased to becoming a immense organization with offices in 112 countries all over the world. It since has a budget of $1 billion per year, the ability of providing material relief and legal protection and the capability of helping an increased number of displaced people.
Refugee is the term used for a person who has had to flee their homeland and seek refuge in another country but there are many millions of people who are in related circumstances but are not legally qualified as refugees. These people then are not qualified for the relief or protection. There are around 20-25 million Internally Displaced Persons (IDP’s) worldwide. They have fled from their homes, usually during wars, but have not left their homeland to seek a new home. UNHCR assists to over 4.4 million of these people but there is a new debate-taking place as to how humanitarian communities can supply more sustained aid to these people.
Emergency Relief
Protection and material assistance are permanent. UNHCR can only put forward legal protection is a persons needs, which include shelter, food, water, sanitation and medical care are met likewise. Resource tents are made using blue plastic sheets and are instantly recognisable in large-scale emergencies including operations in various countries such as Chad Iraq and Afghanistan to help people.
Quick Impact Projects (QIP’s) were invented by UNHCR. These projects include rebuilding schools and clinics, repairing roads and building bridges and wells. The project attempts to create a divide between long-term aid and emergency aid.
Solving the problem
After World War II, UNHCR had to strive to resettle many refugees. The numbers of refugees were increasing and the countries receiving the refugees had a change in attitude. Most countries and states accepted these people but only on a temporary basis. The bulk of refugees would sooner return home.
To help, UNHCR provides transportation, seeds and farming tools and handles finances. When it is not possible for refugees to return to their homeland they must be permanently settled in countries where they first sought asylum.
Averting Disaster
UNHCR is strong enough to handle large-scale emergencies but it is sometimes possible to avert emergencies from occurring. It tries to prevent large population movements from trouble areas by using resources. Early warning systems can be put in place to prevent conflicts before they get out of hand.
Over the years, refugee and humanitarian crises have increased and become more complicated, UNHCR now works with many more other organisations. The main sister organisations are World Food Programme (WFP) which is a supplier of basic food to refugees, the U.N children’s fund (UNICEF), the world health organisation (WHO), the U.N development programme (UNDP), the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Funds are needed to help people and most funds UNHCR uses comes from voluntary contributions, usually from the government but also from other organisations and individual donations. UNHCR also accepts contributions such as tents, medical aid such as medicines and trucks or aircraft.
The number of persons involved with UNHCR rose dramatically by 1994 hitting 27 million and its budget also rose to $1 billion annually. It has several budget programmes including support programmes to cover emergencies, etc.
A Helping Hand
Countries produce millions of refugees every century and the numbers keep increasing. Every country in the world has been affected in some way by refugee related issues. Countries that are unspoiled from any chaos still provide shelter, food and aid to many refugees. After the Cold Wars, Europe became crowded with millions of displaced persons and has recently become a light of hope to many other persons.
People can become a refugee in a matter of days. They can lose their homes, jobs and even families. They are not any danger towards others but they just need a place to shelter and plenty of help until they can reorganize their lives again. Once the situations in their homelands return to normal, most refugees prefer to return to their homes although some may stay in the countries they have sought shelter to.
Helping All Over the World
The UNHCR how gives aid and assistance in many countries. These countries include:
There is a high amount of asylum and immigration and it is highly politicised. The number of asylum decreased dramatically in 2003, governments still introduce new laws to attempt to reduce the in pouring.
The Balkans
Many problems remain here even though there has been considerable progress to make changes after the Balkan Wars in the 1990s. After the wars, more than 2 million people returned home but still 600,000 people remain displaced across the area.
North Caucasus
50,000 displaced persons still receive assistance from UNHCR after the war in Russian Republic of Chechnya.
The Palestinian Issue
There are more than 4 million Palestinian refugees are reported globally. Most of them are under the care of the U.N. Relief and Works Agency but UNHCR helps the 400,000 Palestinian refugees who are outside the UNRWA operational zone.
More than 3 million Iraqi civilians went into exile and a further 1 million people were uprooted inside the country during Saddam Hussein’s rule. UNHCR now helps 100,000 refugees in Iraq and the largest number are Palestinians.
More than 3.5 refugees and displaced persons from Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001. However, more than 2 million still remain in Pakistan and Iran.
Horn of Africa
There are still many refugees remaining in this area. More than 900,000 Somalis and Southern Sudanese are in constant refuge in Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti. Following the conflict in the Darfur region of Sudan, more than 180,000 Sudanese fled to Chad.
Central Africa
There are still 1.2 million refugees remaining throughout many of the states in central Africa. However, many refugees are now thankfully returning home.
For more information please visit their website:


There are many good charities out there doing great work for people who are less fortunate or for people who have gone through disasters and are in need of our help. Here we have compiled a list of charities and organizations which need our continuous help. Please feel free to visit their websites and donate if you can. Thank you.
Afghanistan Summit 2007
We are working towards rebuilding Afghanistan. The Rebuild Summit 2007 will be in Fremont, Ca where we are trying to create an awareness amongst our afghan and non-Afghan community members with more than 30 different non-profit organizations in aiding Afghanistan.
Our foundation sponsors a youth drug prevention workshop for Native in the US and Canada. This workshop teaches anyone working with the youth Directors of Programs and the teens drug prevention and teaches youth "how to study" and morals and ethics. We have only this funding from the workshop and have many many natives that want to come but no money. We need funding to get the natives to our workshop. We have delivered to 40 tribes so far and have many more to reach. I have traveled over 30,000 miles to the tribes in the US and done it all on a "shoe string" and has been doing this since 1999. Please help us.
kashmir charitable trust
kashmir charitable trust is working in earthquake affected area where infrastructe and institutions are totally destroyed like school and health centers.core competency of KCT is to empower women and children in affected zone of kashmir .kashmir charitable trust is uk registered with #1053171 charity no. kindly donate money through online payment system on our website tell others about us
The Makindu Children’s Centre is supporting more than 260 AIDS orphans in the Kenyan village of Makindu — this is an innovative program which is working to support the entire community, helping keep the children in local foster homes rather than removing orphans from their tribal communities and removing them to distant orphanages.
karathanassis foundation
This is a nonprofit organization that gives back to Africa. We have made several trips to Africa and are in the process of planning a trip to Sierra Leone this year. We take aid down to A.I.D.S. orphans.
karathanassis foundation/yebo africa
A nonprofit organization run by nick an alicia karras to take volunteers to selected countries in Africa for the sole purpose of delivering aid to the residents.
Out of the Shadows
This is a organization to raise awarness for epilepsy. You can Donate or just sign up to make a difference.
The main goal of Fundation is to create the chain for peace. The chain will go through all countries around the world and will remind that for all people the main dream is to live in world without wars. In chain will particpate all people who want to act for peace around the world.
Fundación Teletón AC
This program helps to mexican children with muscular problems. United Mexico Fundation (Fundación México Unido)it’s a mexican organization who helps mexican children trough a tv marathon call Teleton, and Padrino Teletón Program helps to mantain the medical therapies for the childrens. Please, if you want more information about this noble program visit our internet page. Socrates Delgado Zamora.
Lifeline Outreach Int’l
With the ever chaotic growing conditions of the world, Lifeline Outreach is striving to be available and prepared for local, national and global relief with food and supplies for people in need. From hunger to natural disaster, Lifeline Outreach will be there. Families Helping Families, Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Whilst Organizational, Legal, Financial and Constitutional Structures are in place and rightly necessary, the life’s blood of this Programme is firmly centred in their family, For this reason the activities of the Centre whilst being on the same property as the Centre are ENTIRELY SEPARATE from the family. The Children’s "story" is in the NOW; they are being nurtured, protected, educated, respected and disciplined to become law abiding citizens. The little ones are fully integrated into the Community, attending Schools and Nursery Schools, with friends, sports etc, tooth fairies Father Christmas, Library Books and the PRIVACY afforded to the family they are.
Hulpfonds Chilumba, c/o Kievitlaan 23, B-2520 Ranst. BELGIUM
Malawi is a beautiful coutry, with unequalled natural resources. Sadly enough, most children in small villages have no means of getting educated and thus get their lives onto the right track. Poverty is a main issue in most Malawi villages. Apparently Madonna intends to sponsor an entire village there and wishes to build ONE school. For quite a number of years now, our good friend and chairman of our cichlid-loving club, has lost his heart with the children of Chilumba. He started collecting money rom simple folk and memebers of the club to help out a bit. But after a while this turned in to the official Chilumba Charity Fund. Please check out the website above. I’m a translator and will gladly translate the relevant information. This selfless effort of one man and his wife is worthwile and deserves more than just bits and pieces. The children of Chilumba love these people immensely. They have been travelling to and fro all on their own resources and no effort is too much. The title on the website reads "A new future for Chilumba". On the left hand side there is more information on the charity fund for Chilumba (= hulpfonds in Dutch). The bank account number in BELGIUM is 743-0186928-23. Thank you, even for just reading this and thinking of the impoverished people of Chilumba…
Provides livestock and training to impoverished families throughout the world. These animals provide transportation, food and income for the recipents, who must pass on the gift ( animal’s offspring) to others in their community.
Jewish World Watch
This Organization donates solar cookers to families in Darfur so the women do not have to go into the woods to get firewood and risk getting raped, hurt, ect.
ONE -the campaign to make poverty history
ONE is a new effort by Americans to rally Americans – ONE by ONE – to fight the emergency of global AIDS and extreme poverty. ONE is students and ministers, punk rockers and NASCAR moms, Americans of all beliefs and every walk of life, united as ONE to help make poverty history. ONE believes that allocating an additional ONE percent of the U.S. budget toward providing basic needs like health, education, clean water and food would transform the futures and hopes of an entire generation in the world’s poorest countries. ONE also calls for debt cancellation, trade reform and anti–corruption measures in a comprehensive package to help Africa and the poorest nations beat AIDS and extreme poverty.
Oxfam International is an international confederation, comprised of 12 independent non-government organizations dedicated to fighting poverty and related injustice around the world. Our mission is a just world without poverty and our goal is to enable people to exercise their rights and manage their own lives. Oxfam International is a confederation of 12 organizations working together with over 3,000 partners in more than 100 countries to find lasting solutions to poverty, suffering and injustice. With many of the causes of poverty global in nature, the 12 affiliate members of Oxfam International believe they can achieve greater impact through their collective efforts
Save the children
Save the Children is the leading independent organization creating real and lasting change for children around the world. It is a member of the International Save the Children Alliance, comprising 27 national Save the Children organizations working in more than 100 countries to ensure the well-being of children.
The Edwards Foundation
The Edwards Foundtion is based out of Det. MI. Mr. & Mrs. Edwards have a huge passion for helping other communities. They have a feeding center in the heart of Namibia, Africa. They feeding center feeds Hundreds of kids a week through genereous donations from people all over the United States!
Optimistic Visionarial Minds
This is a mass media company that I am building and will have a non-profit sector that will help us help those in the community.
The Association of Buddhists for the Environment
ABE stands for the Association of Buddhists for the Environment, and is a newly-formed organization that involves monks from all 23 provinces in Cambodia working to strengthen the Sangha (community of monks and nuns) in its efforts to protect the environment by building the interest and capacity of the monks and local communities in environmental conservation through practical grassroots projects.
War Child
War Child International is a network of independent organisations, working across the world to help children affected by war. War Child was founded upon a fundamental goal: to advance the cause of peace through investing hope in the lives of children caught up in the horrors of war
Amazon Promise is a non-profit organization that provides healthcare and health education to the poor and displaced populations of the Peruvian Amaozon Basin. These poeple are suffering from malnutrition and disease due to poverty,polluted water sources, and poor sanitaion.The healthcare volunteers at Amazon Promise are frequently providing the only medical care available.
Water Aid
WaterAid is an international charity dedicated to helping people in Africa and Asia escape the stranglehold of poverty and disease caused by living without safe water and sanitation. Our projects enable communities to achieve a better quality of life and escape the spiral of poverty.
Caring for Kaela has dedicated itself to lifting Chadians out of poverty. Landlocked in the center of Africa, the UN rates it as one of the poorest countries on that continent; Chadians live on 50 cents a day, out of 40,000 km of road, only 600 km are paved. A country twice the size of Texas with a government crippled by coroption, 8.4 million people need our help!
St Joseph’s Home for the Poor
A community for the poorest of the poor…abandoned women and their children, in el Salvador, Central America. I’d love to talk to Miss Jolie about St Joe’s. I don’t want ANYTHING from her…just to ‘listen to her ideas’ and also to give her some ideas for her efforts in Africa. Thanks. Paul J. Lloyd (Founder of St Joe’s). 610-262-2600
MSF is an independent humanitarian medical aid agency committed to two objectives: providing medical aid wherever needed, regardless of race, religion, politics or sex and raising awareness of the plight of the people we help.